Laina Turner, Author
L.C. Turner, Author

Laina Turner Blog

Tiger Lilies and Tragedy – A Petal Pushers Flower Shop Cozy Mystery
Tiger Lilies and Tragedy – A Petal Pushers Flower Shop Cozy Mystery

Chapter 1 Jared arrived in town the night before, having decided to come to Hunter’s Hollow and give it a real chance after sub-letting his place in the city. The company he worked for had gone under and right now he was at loose ends. I was happy he was here and was making it […]

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My dream of owning a bookshop and why I wrote the Read Wine Bookstore series
My dream of owning a bookshop and why I wrote the Read Wine Bookstore series
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Biscuits and Bedlam – a Paw Paws Pet Bakery Cozy Mystery Book 1
Biscuits and Bedlam – a Paw Paws Pet Bakery Cozy Mystery Book 1

Chapter 1 I stood in the middle of the room, my hands on my ample hips, gazing around the shop and surveying the results of all my hard work. I tried blowing away an errant blonde curl that had fallen out of my ponytail and into my eyes to no avail, so I reached up, […]

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Why I love a cozy Lifestyle
Why I love a cozy Lifestyle

What does the word cozy mean to you? To me, the word cozy conjures up visions of hot drinks, a warm blanket, and a roaring fire, among other things. As an author, I have gravitated toward writing cozy mysteries and clean, heartfelt romance. I have realized that I find those genres cozy (even if the […]

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My favorite character I’ve written so far
My favorite character I’ve written so far
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Why Are You Doing That?
Why Are You Doing That?

Why Are You Doing That? Why? Why is the sky blue? Why do I have to get up today? Why am I doing this? Why. A simple 3 letter word that can drive us crazy. For instance when my kids were toddlers and asked why every second about things I had no clue how to […]

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