Laina Turner, Author
L.C. Turner, Author

Books Blog Posts

My Glamorous Life as an Author
My Glamorous Life as an Author

Being an author is the best job in the world. Private jets and chauffeured limos. People waiting on my every whim. Everywhere you go fans want your autograph. They are lining up in droves to wait for your next release. You can’t even go out for Starbucks without people mobbing you. Hence the sunglasses and […]

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4 ways to market your self-published book
4 ways to market your self-published book

How to market your self-published book If you’re already a self-published author you know, that writing is the easy part. Marketing and selling your books is much, much harder. If you haven’t got to the marketing point in your writing career now you know. Marketing is not usually the fun part of an author career […]

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Beating Overwhelm
Beating Overwhelm

Beating overwhelm isn’t easy.  Sometimes when I look at my to-do list, I want to go back to bed and hide under the covers. I want someone to take me away from the never-ending things that need doing. Or do them for me. A fairy godmother would work. Is that too much to ask for? […]

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How to Handle Criticism as an Author
How to Handle Criticism as an Author

One of the hardest things you have to do as a writer is figuring out how to handle criticism as an author. It’s the one thing that freaks the writers I know out the most. Let’s be honest it freaks everyone out. Who likes criticism? NO ONE! I know when I published my first book […]

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5 Ways to Beat a Monday Slump
5 Ways to Beat a Monday Slump

I don’t know about you, but sometimes it’s hard for me to get going on a Monday. Even though I work on the weekends, it’s not as structured as during the week because the kids aren’t in school and we’re running all over the place. So for me, weekends are usually more exhausting than workweeks. […]

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Fleeing to Happiness – a Moonshire Bay Clean Small Town Romance
Fleeing to Happiness – a Moonshire Bay Clean Small Town Romance

Chapter 1 Ari was so glad the kids were coming home from college soon. Her youngest, Katie, was finishing up her freshman year at Michigan State, and her son, Sam, his junior year at Marquette. It was still hard for her to believe her kids were grown when it seemed like just yesterday they were […]

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